Billy Graduates UCR


I really need to spend more time updating my Blog.


Several months ago, Billy (our youngest son) graduated From the University of California, Riverside, with a degree in Political Science. Of course, we are very proud of him. Bill is a serious and grounded young man, with a keen intellect and strong values. I look forward to the times I get to spend with him, and lately, our discussions mostly seem to involve politics  🙂

I admire him for all the hard work he put into this accomplishment. That, and I just really like him as a person.


This is Bill, receiving his diploma

This is Bill, receiving his diploma



...enjoying the sense of accomplishment



the proud parents



Bill feels fortunate to have such loving grandparents

Bill feels fortunate to have such loving grandparents



Alise (Bill's sweetie) came down to celebrate the event!

Alise (Bill's sweetie) flew down from WA to celebrate the event!



We gave him a guitar

We gave him a guitar. He gave us the finger.


Cousin Matt dug it!

Cousin Matt dug it!



Billy graduated on Father’s Day 2008.
What a wonderful Father’s Day present (no more tuition payments!!!)






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